Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Commoner | Druid | Fighter | Paladin | Ranger | Shaman | Thief | Witch | Wizard
"I got friends... on the other side."

Medicine-men, spirit-talkers, diviners, Tribal Elders

An Avatar fitting your race.
Read the lore for your character's race.

Grit is 2d4.
HP is 18.
Your carry weight is 8+STRx2
Add CONx2 to your HP
Your damage is 2d4 on Hack&Slash and Volley
Key Stats
STR may be used for Hack&Slash
DEX may be used for Hack&Slash if using a precise weapon
CON will be important for your HP and saving throws
INT isn't used except for Saving Throws
WIS is important for Spirit skills and Saving Throws
CHA isn't used except for Saving Throws

Dead and Alive
You have the power to bind the spirits of the ethereal plane to your fate: willingly or unwillingly. So long as you are wearing no armor, you can maintain a tether with one of your bound spirits, allowing it to channel itself through you. Its presence is invisible to all except yourself, other shamans, and magics which reveal hidden things, such as True Seeing—it can not be attacked unless it can be seen. Tethering to each spirit will grant you an ability, which you lose if you tether to a different spirit. While any and all of the following spirits may serve you, you can only tether to one at a time:
A Great Warrior: While tethered, increase your Grit to 2d5.
The spirit is a burly humanoid with 10 HP, 2d5 grit, 3 STR, and +1 in each other stat. You can use its STR in place of your own on Saving Throws, and Defy Danger.
A Great Wit: While tethered, gain the move Help from Beyond
The spirit is a crafty humanoid with 8 HP, 2d4 grit, +3 CHA, and +1 in each other stat. You can use its CHA in place of your own on Saving Throws and Defy Danger.
A Great Sage: While tethered, gain the move ‘Til Death Do Us Part.
The spirit is a frail humanoid with 6HP, 1d6 grit, 3 INT, and +1 in each other stat. You can use its INT in place of your own on Saving Throws and Defy Danger.
You may summon or dismiss a spirit at will, but not after you enter combat. If you are incapacitated your channeled spirit possesses your body and can act and take damage in your place. Treat it as your character, but with access to only the basic moves, and using its own stats. This spirit is immune against any form of control moves. If you forced the spirit into your service and it possesses you in this way, roll 1d10. On a 1 the spirit retains possession of you until the next midnight—your character loses complete control of their body until that time. RP this out.
While you are tethered to a spirit, as an interrupt move you can sacrifice the spirit when you take damage (physical or magical). Subtract the spirit's remaining HP from the damage you receive; the spirit is lost regardless of whether it has HP remaining or not. When you lose the spirit you also lose any abilities you gained from its tether. You can re-bind to the spirit after the following midnight.
As you level up, you may bond with and tether to additional spirits via your class moves; they function as above, and you can only tether to one at a time. If you serve a god you may be prohibited from binding to certain spirits.
This is a supernatural effect.
Help from Beyond (Usable only while tethered to the Great Wit)
When you take a few moments to draw upon the power of the spirit world for aid against your foes, take 2 damage (ignoring armor) and roll+Wis.
On a 10+, hold 1.
On a 7-9, hold 1 and become vulnerable.
On a miss, gain no hold and take -1 ongoing to Help from Beyond until the next dawn.
You can have no more than 2 hold at a time. Using an interrupt move, you can spend 1 hold to:
Fill one creature with a supernatural sense of dread, making them cower or flinch - the damage they deal is reduced by 3.
Counter someone else's interrupt move, negating it.
Fill one creature with unearthly lassitude, forcing them to make a saving throw (+WIS). If they fail, they are inhibited for one round.
'Til Death Do Us Part (Usable only while tethered to the Great Sage)
You can maintain a tether not just between yourself and your spirit, but between the souls of mortals. Roll+WIS
On 10+, choose two living beings you can see. They are linked by fate. Any time one of the targets would take damage, instead both targets take half that damage, rounded up for one and down for the other, chosen when the link is applied. (Damage received will subtract the armor of the target, then get halved; the second target takes the other half ignoring armor).
On 7-9, as above but one of your targets must be an enemy.
On 6 or less, your dilettantish attempt to meddle with the fates of mortals falls short and doesn't go unnoticed, the spirits revoke your ability to do so until the next sunrise or sunset.
If the tether is between an ally and an enemy, the damage will not be halved or shared; instead the two parties must exclusively target and attack each other.
Note: only one tether from 'Til Death Do Us Partcan be active on a person at a time (including yourself). The targets have to be in your immediate proximity. If they leave your presence or combat ends, the tether ends as well.
This is a supernatural effect.
Let's Be Ritualistic
Through your intimate knowledge of the spirit world, you gain access to rituals at every other level, according to the list below this page. If you serve a deity, you may be prohibited from certain rituals.
Soul Forged
The weapon is a mere vessel for the power of your spirit; it hews through corporeal trappings to attack the soul itself. So long as you wear no armor or shield, when you Hack & Slash your damage is magical and ignores armor. You cannot be disarmed.
Spirit Medium
You can dismiss one spirit and call another. Use this if you wish to change spirits in combat, or if one of your selected spirits has been reduced to 0HP and left you.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:
A Problem Shared is a Problem Halved
Requires: 'Til Death Do Us Part
While you maintain your tether on:
Two allies (or yourself and an ally): they gain +1 armor (magical) and do +1 damage
Two enemies: they suffer -1 armor (magical) and deal -1 damage
One ally and one enemy: the ally gains +1 armor and does +1 damage, the enemy suffers -1 armor (magical) and deals -1 damage
Elder Power
Requires: Help from Beyond
When you are the target of a spell and have hold from Help from Beyond, you may spend 1 hold to make that spell fizzle out and have no effect.
Hagar Haunting
Requires: Dead and Alive
You gain the trust of (or forced into service) a Terrible Conqueror Spirit. It has 10 HP, 2d5 grit, and +1 in each stat. While tethered to it you gain the Barbarian Move, Like a Truck. You don't gain the benefits of Soul Forged while tethered to this spirit.
Friend of the Land
Requires: Dead and Alive
You gain the trust of (or forced into service) a Great Animal Spirit and can tether yourself to it. It has 8 HP, 2d4 grit, and +1 in each stat. While tethered to it you gain either the Ranger move, Animal Companion, or the Druid move, Shapeshifter. You lose the benefits of Soul Forged while shapeshifted.
Funeral Mask
Requires: Shaman
When you paint your face in blood and ashes, gain +2 armor against magic as long as you are wearing this funeral mask.
Hold Fast
Requires: Dead and Alive-Great Sage Spirit
You have heeded the Great Sage Spirit which is bound to you, and gained some of its wisdom. When you use ‘Til Death Do Us Part you can sustain two tethers simultaneously.
Hold On
Requires: Dead and Alive-Great Wit Spirit
You have gleaned some of the Great Wit's penchant for retort. When you use Help from Beyond, you gain 1 additional hold, no matter your result.
Hold This
Requires: Dead and Alive-Great Warrior Spirit
You have proven yourself to the Great Warrior Spirit which is bound to you, and it grants you some more of its ability. While tethered to the Great Warrior Spirit, you can gain a single stance from Martial Hurtist.
Holy Host (Light)
Requires: Dead and Alive
You gain the service of a Devoted Ancient Spirit. It has 4HP, 1d4 Grit, and +1 in each stat. While tethered to it you gain the Cleric Moves Turn Undead and Cast a Spell. You can only cast Holy spells (not rituals) from the Cleric spell list.
I Slipped On Purpose (Dark)
Requires: Dead and Alive
You gain the service of a Terrible Ancient Spirit. It has 4HP, 1d4 Grit, and +1 in each stat. While tethered to it you gain the Cleric Moves Turn Undead and Cast a Spell. You can only cast Profane spells (not rituals) from the Cleric spell list.
The Song of My People (Saving Throw +WIS)
When you're in hot water, you can perform a sacred song, poem or dance from one of the spirits bound to you; roll+Wis.
On a hit, they must make their saving throw or find themselves moved by your performance and will be inclined to help you until you leave their presence.
On a 10+, they also feel the need to offer you some form of compensation.
On a miss, you anger your tethered spirit, incensed that you’re sharing sacred rites with outsiders. You lose access to it until the next midnight.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.
Child of the Earth
Requires: Friend of the Land
Choose one move from the Druid (Starters included). You can only access this move when tethered to your Great Animal Spirit.
Possessive Ghost (Saving Throw +CHA)
Requires: Shaman
You gain the trust of (or forced into service) a Great Trickster Spirit and can tether yourself to it. It has 6 HP, 1d6 grit, and +1 in each stat. While tethered to it you gain Possessive Ghost.
Impose a stranger’s soul upon another person. To be used on an enemy this may only be in combat; if you succeed on an ally this may only be used out of combat, and the effect lasts until the next dawn. An enemy must first fail a saving throw (+CHA) to be affected.
On 10+ You can choose two of their stats to swap with each other.
On 7-9 You succeed as a 10+, yet wrestle with the malevolent spirit that gnaws on your essence. You are vulnerable and have to choose one consequence:
-1 ongoing
-1 Mana and you lose access to this move.
On 6 Nothing happens, you are vulnerable and suffer both consequences.
Note: This ends when a fight concludes, or if you Last Gasp.
Resonating Bond
Requires: Hold Fast
When you tether to someone using 'Til Death do Us Part, you can passively gain starter moves from them depending upon their class. You must use your own stats, and don't gain benefits of any modifiers from their level-up moves.
Barbarian: The Upper Hand
Bard: Bardic Lore
Cleric: Divine Intervention
Commoner: No One of Importance
Druid: Harmony
Fighter: Second Wind
Paladin: Lay on Hands
Ranger: Faster Than His Shadow
Thief: Tricks of the Trade
Shaman: No new moves, but can maintain a third tether
Witch: Dread Aura
Wizard: Cast a Spell (only spells from the summoning school)
Thug Afterlyfe
Requires: Hagar Haunting
Choose one move from Barbarian (Starters included). You can only access this move when tethered to your Terrible Conqueror Spirit.
Vengeful Ghosts
Requires: Elder Power
When you have hold from Help from Beyond and take damage from an
enemy, you may spend 1 Hold to deal half your grit as damage to that enemy, ignoring armor.
Requires: I Slipped on Purpose
You gain the service of a Terrible Evil Spirit. It has 2HP, 1d2 Grit, and +1 in each stat. While tethered to it you gain the following move:
Soul Stealer (Saving Throw +CHA)
You attempt to steal the soul of an enemy for a brief time to gain their power. Roll +WIS
On a 10+ if they fail a saving throw they are stunned; while they are stunned you gain all of their starter moves (and lose your own). Their stun ends normally, and with it end your abilities.
On a 7-9 if they fail their saving throw they are stunned.
On a miss you become stunned and vulnerable. Other shamans take +1 to use Soul Stealer against you until the end of the encounter.
Shaman Rituals:
Level 2 Rituals
All Things Past
When you spend a few minutes meditating over a dead creature's remains, you can get a vague sense of what caused its demise. Ask the player/story teller leading the scene!
Ethereal Anchor
You conduct a rite in which you render a symbol into the ground up to 20 meters wide. Upon completing the ritual, the area within the symbol is tethered to the ethereal plane. All spirits and ghosts within the circle become visible (including any one you are tethered to).
Level 6 Rituals:
Bone Dance (Dark)
If you wear and hold nothing but the bones of the dead, you can conduct a ritual summoning of the spirits to whom the bones belong. You may then leverage the proper burial of their bones to demand a boon from them; if you do not return the bones properly, you may be haunted by them. (Note: this is equivalent to necromancy like Animate Dead and other “Dark Magicks” for the purpose of deific loyalty and lawfulness).
Exorcism (Light)
You rebuke a spirit which has possessed an unwilling host, returning it to the Ethereal Plane.
Spirit Walk
When you enter a deep trance that leaves you unresponsive to the world and will yourself to leave your body behind, you can project your spirit. While in spirit form, you can't interact with the land of the living and are invisible to those who can't see the spirit world. While spirit walking, your body is helpless, and your spirit is subject to any abilities and magic that would influence deceased spirits and souls.
Level 4 Rituals:
Thief of Eyes
When you have brought a creature to the brink of death and release it into the wild (and they fail a saving throw (+WIS) if a player-character), you may see through their eyes, listen through their ears, or use their voice as if it were your own until they are properly healed, or for three hours (whichever comes first).
Zone of Truth
You conduct a rite in which you render a symbol into the ground up to 10 meters wide. Yes or No questions asked within that circle must be answered truthfully; answering untruthfully will result in 1d4 armor-ignoring damage to the liar.
Level 8 Rituals:
Disturb Spirit (Dark)
When you are alone with someone, you can render their soul unable to remain inside its vessel, forcing it out. You can force the spirit into an inanimate container and carry it with you, but if you leave its presence it will escape back to its body. While you remain in the presence of the spirit, you can make no other moves and take 1 damage ignoring armor per round as you struggle to control it. Damage to the body incurred while the spirit was removed may remain as marks, but the spirit's return will bring it back fully to life.
Sin Eater
When you touch a dying or recently dead creature (48 hours or less), skin to skin, and have the time to negotiate with the other side—you may intercede with a servitor of Kelemvor on their behalf. Kelemvor's servitor may forfeit their soul for now, but demand an appropriate favor or sacrifice in return (this does not have to be something you can accomplish immediately). Existing clergy of Kelemvor may have to pay a reduced, or no, favor or sacrifice. You may refuse, but if you do so, the next time you take your Last Gasp, you automatically miss. Either way, the creature comes back to life, wounds and all. The target is helpless until they rest. You may only have one such debt to Kelemvor at a time.
Spiritual Healing (Light)
When you spend an entire night healing someone’s soul, you can remove any unnatural or supernatural afflictions from them; curses, possessions, magical diseases and poisons, and even mundane forms of madness and insanity, provided their spirit is willing.