Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Commoner | Druid | Fighter | Paladin | Ranger | Shaman | Thief | Witch | Wizard
"No. Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for cover of darkness."

Hunters of the Wild, trail-blazers, exiles, woodsmen, battle-deserters, hermits, scouts, trackers, bounty-hunters, spies, A Lord's Master of the Hunt

An Avatar fitting your race.
Read the lore for your character's race.

Grit is 2d4.
HP is 18.
Your carry weight is 10+STRx2
Add CONx2 to your HP
Your damage is 2d4 on Hack&Slash and Volley
Key Stats
STR may be used for Hack&Slash
DEX will be important for Hack&Slash (if using a [precise] weapon) and Volley
CON will be important for your HP and saving throws
INT isn't used except for Saving Throws
WIS isn't used except for Saving Throws
CHA isn't used except for Saving Throws

Animal Companion
You have a supernatural connection with a loyal animal you've befriended during your life. It can be fully domesticated, or a wild animal that knows and trusts you. It can remain out of the way until you summon it (using a whistle or some other form of signal or command), or remain by your side. Summoning your companion is a free action, and you can do it even while controlled, however it can only be done outdoors. When your companion is summoned into combat, it can be buffed by allies or attacked by enemies. This companion is immune against any form of control moves except appropriate animal-affecting moves, charm monster, and confusion. If you are incapacitated or stunned, your companion can act in your place, using basic moves while rolling with its own stats. If you dismiss or lose a companion you can get a new companion by the next nightfall, but you can only have one companion at a time.
Choose a species:
Wolf, Cougar, Bear, Eagle, Dog, Hawk, Cat, Owl, Pigeon, Rat, Mule (it doesn't have to be these animals exactly, so long as it is mundane, native to local, temperate climates, and no more massive than a horse).
Depending on its type, it may not be desired or acceptable in the limits of a town or city.
Choose base stats for your animal companion and add it to your inventory (0 weight):
Heavy beast: Grit 1d6, Str 2, Dex 0, Con 3, Int 1, Wis 2, Cha 1, HP 8, Armor 2
Tiny beast: Grit 1d4, Str 0, Dex 1, Con 1, Int 3, Wis 2, Cha 2, HP 6, Armor 1
Fierce beast: Grit 2d4, Str 2, Dex 1, Con 2, Int 1, Wis 2, Cha 1, HP 8, Armor 1
Feral beast: Grit 2d4, Str 3, Dex 0, Con 2, Int 0, Wis 1, Cha 0, HP 8, Armor 1
While these stats come into play when you are controlled (and theanimal companion acts in your place ), they also determine the following:
Str is your pet's bonus when it uses Hack&Slash
Dex is the bonus your pet provides to your own Dex rolls when it is summoned and present (hasn't run away).
Int is the bonus it applies to Sniff 'Em Out.
Wis is the number of rounds your pet will fight for you (via Swift as the Coursing River) before running away until the next encounter.
Cha is how friendly and likeable it is. Add its Cha to your own Cha on defy danger rolls.
When your companion reaches 0 HP, it automatically runs away, and won't return to you for a day.
Animal Tongue
You can communicate with animals (including people shapeshifted into animals). Inexplicably, when you speak, they seem to understand you perfectly; while their speech doesn't sound intelligible, you can somehow get the gist of what they're trying to say.
Faster than his Shadow
Free Action
You can switch weapons without spending a Standard Move for Switch It up.
Sniff 'Em Out
Once a week you can try to track down a local monster or great beast with the aid of your animal companion (and a DM). For this roll, do not apply your own stats, but your companion's +INT.
Swift as the Coursing River
Whereas most warriors strive to hit hard, you hit fast and light. So long as you’re wearing light or no armor, you can do one of the following as an interrupt:
When using a bow you can use Volley at half your grit (1d4).
When using a thrown weapon you can use Volley at your full grit (1d8).
When using two one-handed weapons (a one-handed weapon in each hand), you can use Hack&Slash at half your grit (1d4).
Your pet can attack an enemy, doing its damage using Hack&Slash, or defend you using Defend. It can only do this a number of times per encounter equal to its WIS, or until it is reduced to 0HP and runs away (whichever comes first).
While wearing light or no armor, apply half of your dexterity bonus to your armor (rounding up). You lose this bonus while you are vulnerable or helpless, and it is reduced by debilities normally.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:
Blot Out The Sun
Requires: Swift as the Coursing River
When you Volley you may spend extra ammo before rolling. For each extra ammo you spend, you may select an additional target for your volley, up to a maximum of 3 total targets (spending 2 ammo). Roll once and if you hit, deal your damage at half your grit per additional target to each of your chosen targets.
Clipped Wing
Requires: Swift as the Coursing River
On a successful attack (Hack & Slash or Volley) you may choose to pin your target down instead of a normal Hack&Slash option, giving them a -2 on their next Run Away move.
Elegant Style
Requires: Swift as the Coursing River
Any one-handed weapon without the [bludgeoning] tag counts as [precise] in your hand.
Legolas's Reach
Gain 2 more arrows in your quiver, beyond the 5x you normally would start with (giving a total of 7).
Man’s Best Friend
Requires: Animal Companion
When a physical blow would kill you, your animal companion leaps to your rescue, sacrificing itself heroically and taking the blow. It dies in the process—you must find a new animal companion. You can use this even if it's not already in combat or if it has expended its uses from WIS.
Multiclass Dabbler
Pick one move from another class, as long as it isn't a Starting Move or another Multiclass Move. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.
Tomahawk Missile
Requires: Swift as the Coursing River
When you use a thrown weapon to Volley, you can't miss; a 6 or lower counts as a 7-9 for you.
Requires: Animal Companion
Increase your Animal Companion's WIS by 1.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.
Black Arrow
Requires: Swift as the Coursing River
Your arrows could loose the scales from a dragon. A bow in your hand gains the Forceful tag.
Morbid Momentum
Requires: Swift as the Coursing River
You can make one extra interrupt in a round if you force someone to Last Gasp while using two one-handed weapons.
Hurling, then Hurling
Requires: Swift as the Coursing River
When you hit someone with a thrown weapon, inflict a debility of your choice.
A Special Trick
Requires: Animal Companion
Choose a move from another class. So long as you have your animal companion summoned, you have access to that move. You may not select a starting move.
Unnatural Ally
Requires: Animal Companion
Your animal companion (or new animal companion) is a monster. Increase its Grit by 2 and its Int by 1, but subtract its Wis by 1.