Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Commoner | Druid | Fighter | Paladin | Ranger | Shaman | Thief | Witch | Wizard
"Rob? Tsk tsk tsk. That's a naughty word. We never rob. We just sort of borrow a bit from those who can afford it."

Grit is 1d6.
Grit is 16.
Your carry weight is 6+STRx2
Add CONx2 to your HP
Your damage is 1d6 on Hack&Slash and Volley
Key Stats
STR may be used for Hack&Slash
DEX will be important for Backstab and Dirty Fighting
CON will be important for your HP and saving throws
INT isn't used except for Saving Throws
WIS isn't used except for Saving Throws
CHA isn't used except for Saving Throws
Thieves, rogues, infiltrators, spies, cutthroats, highwayme

An Avatar fitting your race.
Read the lore for your character's race.

You start with all of these moves:
You’ve mastered the manufacture and use of poisons. You can gather the materials for and brew poisons whenever you like (out of combat) and apply it to your weapon. You may not go into battle with the same poison prepared on both your main and off-hand weapon. You may not carry more than two weapons which are poisoned into combat. When you have time to gather materials and a safe place to brew you can create a poison according to the list at the bottom of this page. If you wish to create a non-combat poison, submit your RP of its creation to a DM; the DM will determine the results of your alchemy.
When you attack a target that is vulnerable or helpless using a melee weapon, you can choose to seek out an exposed area beneath their notice and STAB. Roll+DEX:
• On a 10+, choose two.
• On a 7–9, choose one:
You deal your damage+1d6
They cannot raise the alarm or alert others until after your next turn.
You make the target vulnerable after dealing your damage.
Damage their armor. Reduce their armor by 1 until they repair it.
Cheap Shot
Gain +1d4 damage with a thrown, precise, or hand weapon in either or both hands.
Dirty Fighting
If you are not vulnerable or helpless, you can inflict a poison upon an enemy. Roll +DEX.
On a 10+ you apply one poison from one of your weapons and get away scot-free. They must make their saving throw.
On a 7-9 you apply one poison as above but the poison is completely expended and you become vulnerable; you must make more of that poison (or apply more out of combat) to use it again. Your target must still make their saving throw or be afflicted.
On a miss you expend the poison completely and become vulnerable.
The poison lasts until the end of the encounter, or until its victim is healed. This can be used out of combat upon an enemy who is actively distracted by someone or something else after you've successfully snuck up behind them. This is a supernatural effect.
You have connections of the "unscrupulous" sort. You can stage a big heist, but remember not to get caught. There might be grave consequences.
I Like to Move Around
Wearing flexible armor leaves you vulnerable, but you can't argue with the results; while wearing light or no armor, apply half of your dexterity bonus to your armor (rounding up). You lose this bonus while you are vulnerable or helpless, and it is reduced by debilities normally. However, while wearing medium or heavy armor, you take -1 to use Backstab and Dirty Fighting. This stacks with the clumsy penalty.
Tricks Of The Trade
When you pick locks or pockets, locate and disable traps, or search for hidden objects: roll+DEX. (You must have the proper and necessary tools in hand in order to perform these, and must not be observed or detected.)
On a 10+, you succeed, no problem. The lock is sprung, the pocket is picked, or the trap is disabled, and no one is the wiser.
On a 7–9, you still do it, but the target and any other players within chat range notice the action. Traps are triggered but you gain +1 Forward to your Defy Danger roll against the effect.
On a 6 or less: BUSTED! You blew it. Not only do you fail, but you draw the attention of every player within chat range. You also leave behind evidence than can lead to you. Traps are triggered and you take -1 Forward to your Defy Danger roll against the effect.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:
Cerebral Celerity
You've learned to think on your feet—and off them. Convert your mana pool to celerity (so your celerity equals your level +1). You can't cast spells or counterspell with celerity; you no longer have mana to cast with.
You can spend celerity freely until you run out, and your celerity regenerates when an encounter ends.
Spend 2 celerity for +1 to Defy Danger, Tools of the Trade, Discern Realities, or Spout Lore.
Spend 4 celerity for +1 to Backstab, Dirty Fighting, Long Stop Sudden Stop, Run Away!, or a Saving Throw
Spend 6 celerity to remove a debility
When you put out word to the criminal underbelly about an item you want or need, you can contact a surly old fence to try and procure it: roll+CHA.
• On a 10+, the fence has the item you want, as long as its value does not exceed 200 gold crowns. If it does, he can produce a convincing forgery. It takes 24 hours (OOC) from the time of the roll for the fence to obtain the item and get it to you.
• On a 7–9, you’ll have to settle for something close to what you wanted unless it has a maximum value of 100 gold crowns or less. It takes 24 hours (OOC) from the time of the roll for the fence to obtain the item and get it to you.
• On a 6 or lower, the fence becomes disgruntled and refuses to work with you for a week (OOC).
Note: Once you have used this move, you cannot use it again for 48 hours after the item arrives. Unless, of course, you failed, in which case it takes a week as stated above.
You have a belt, bag, or other convenient dispenser full of throwing knives. As a free action, you can switch to a thrown weapon (or after using a throwing weapon, switch to another weapon) without using Switch 'Em Up.
Multiclass Dabbler
Pick one move from another class, as long as it isn't a Starting Move or another Multiclass Move. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.
Requires: Backstab
You can use Backstab before your turn as an interrupt. If you do so, you sacrifice both your interrupt and standard move for that round. Alternatively, you can forego a Standard Move on your turn to use Backstab as an interrupt move afterward. You can't use this with Shoot First.
Pilferoy Lockpickheart
Requires: Spell T-H-I-E-F
You gain Cast a Spell as a Wizard using INT, but can only cast Enchantment school spells from the wizard list. You can't also gain Cerebral Celerity.
Presto Stabbo
Requires: Pilferoy Lockpickheart
You can apply spells to daggers as if they were poisons; use Cast a Spell as normal, but upon the dagger you wish to affect. You can only channel one spell through a dagger, and a dagger used to channel a spell cannot also be poisoned. Rather than casting the applied spell again, you may use it as if a poison with Dirty Fighting.
Huckster's Cerebratory
Requires: Cerebral Celerity
Add your INT to your max celerity.
Spell T-H-I-E-F
Requires: Backstab
When you use Backstab against a spellcaster, on a 10+ you can forgo both options to instead steal the last spell they used in combat. They must roll a saving Throw (+DEX). If they fail, they can no longer access that spell until after the encounter.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose one of these moves or the level 1–5 moves.
Celebrated Celerity
Requires and Replaces: Cerebral Celerity
You've learned to think on your feet—and off them. Convert your mana pool to celerity (so your celerity equals your level +1). You can't cast spells or counterspell with celerity; you no longer have mana to cast with.
You can spend celerity freely during an encounter until you run out, and your celerity regenerates when an encounter ends.
Spend 1 celerity for +1 to Defy Danger, Tools of the Trade, Discern Realities, or Spout Lore.
Spend 2 celerity for +1 to Backstab, Dirty Fighting, or a Saving Throw
Spend 3 celerity to remove a debility
Spend 5 celerity to remove vulnerability or helplessness
Spend 8 celerity to dodge (take no damage from an attack)
When you have time and materials you can create a disguise that will fool anyone into thinking you’re another kind of creature or person of a different social class of about the same size and shape. Your actions can give you away but your appearance won’t.
Escape Route
Requires: Thief
When you’re in too deep and need a way out, name your escape route and roll+DEX.
On a 10+ take +2 to your next Run Away.
On a 9 or lower as above, but if you go it costs you: leave something behind or take something bad with you, the Storyteller will tell you what.
This cannot be used at all if your feet are bound. If you make any move other than Run Away! after using Escape Route, you lose its bonus.
Shoot First
At the beginning of an encounter, when an enemy would attack you first by surprise or otherwise, you get to act first instead; Hack&Slash or Volley at them. Make your standard move and go first (this uses up both your standard and interrupt moves for the first round; you are the first turn in initiative order each round thereafter.)
Strong Arm, True Aim
All melee weapons have thr thrown tag in your hands. A thrown melee weapon is removed from your inventory until retrieved (with Daggolier, Switch 'Em Up, or after combat); you can never choose to reduce ammo on a 7–9.
You’ve mastered the manufacture and use of poisons. You can gather the materials for and brew any of the following poisons whenever you like (out of combat) and apply it to your weapon. You may not go into battle with the same poison prepared on both your main and off-hand weapon. You may not carry more than two weapons which are poisoned into combat.
Combat Poisons
Bloodweed: Dangerous, touch, 18 coins, 0 weight
Until cured, the afflicted target deals -1 damage until the end of the encounter. [Saving Throw+STR]
Goldenroot: Dangerous, applied, 30 coins, 0 weight
The target treats the next creature they see as a friendly acquaintance until proven otherwise. They are incapacitated. [Saving Throw+WIS]
Oil of Tagit: Dangerous, applied, 24 coins, 0 weight
The target falls into a heavy sleep, becoming incapacitated. [Saving Throw+CON]
Balm of Lethargy: Dangerous, applied, 50 coins, 0 weight
Any target hit by a weapon coated with this poison is slowed by its influence. The target cannot use an interrupt move this round. [Saving Throw +CHA]
Bane of the Sage: Dangerous, applied, 120 coins, 0 weight
Any target hit by a weapon coated with this poison invites danger upon themselves. The target becomes immediately Vulnerable. Normal rules of vulnerability apply. [Saving Throw +CON]
Basilisk Teeth: Dangerous, applied, 30 coins, 0 weight
A target hit by a weapon coated with this corrosive poison has its armor reduced by one until the end of the encounter. [Saving Throw +DEX]
Serpent’s Tear: Dangerous, applied, 70 coins, 0 weight
Any target afflicted by this poison becomes helpless. [Saving Throw +CHA]
Non-Combat Poisons
Fairy Dust (Saving Throw +INT)
The person affected by this poison falls into a deep sleep for an hour. They forget the 30 minutes prior to being poisoned, and when they awake they will remember only a vision of gallivanting among a beautiful forest for days on end. Damage ends this effect.
Unguent of Drunkenness (Saving Throw +WIS)
The person affected by this poison suddenly becomes as if drunk: slurred speech, questionable behavior, and likely to forget what's happening later. Damage ends this effect.
Fight or Flight (Saving Throw +CHA)
The person affected by this poison sees you as the most deadly creature known to them. If they are defending something dear to them, they will attack with abandon; if they are defending something they have no stake in, they will immediately flee.
Lenitive of Loneliness (Saving Throw +CON)
The person affected by this poison will have approximately 5 minutes before they soil themselves in the most violent way possible (#2).
Oil of the Owl (Saving Throw +CON)
The eyes of a person affected by this poison will dilate dramatically for an hour. They will seek dim conditions at the first opportunity and shy away from bright lights as if undead.
Liniment of the Last Man (Saving Throw +INT)
A person affect by this potion will suddenly believe they have no other friends, family, comrades, allies—or anyone else who might render them assistance—in the whole world. They won't bother calling for help.