Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Commoner | Druid | Fighter | Paladin | Ranger | Shaman | Thief | Witch | Wizard
"Do what you have to. I'll secure the castle."

Wizards, Mages, Arcanists, Those who study the history and lore of the supernatural

An Avatar fitting your race.
Read the lore for your character's race.

Grit is 1d6.
HP is 16.
Your carry weight is STRx2, +6
Add CONx2 to your HP
Your damage is 1d6 on Hack&Slash and Volley
Key Stats
STR may be used for Hack&Slash
DEX may be used for Hack&Slash if using a precise weapon
CON will be important for your HP, Second Wind, and saving throws
INT is important for Saving Throws
WIS isn't used except for Saving Throws
CHA isn't used except for Saving Throws

You start with all of these moves:
Cast a Spell (INT)
When you choose a spell to cast, roll+INT. You cannot cast a spell unless you have mana equal to the spell's level.
On a 10+ the the spell is successfully cast and you may cast the spell again later.
On a 7–9, the spell is cast, but Choose One Penalty.
On a miss, your spell fails. Take two penalties.
The spell and mana equal to the spell's level are lost and cannot be cast until you rest!
You are locked in a spell-casting trance and become vulnerable.
Take -1 Ongoing to Cast a Spell until you rest.
Note: Every spell requires an audio & a somatic (gesture) component to be cast; you can't cast a spell if you are bound and/or gagged. Maintaining spells with ongoing effects will always cause a penalty to your roll to cast a spell. See Combat Basics under the Basic Play tab for more rules on using spells.
Majored in Magic
While your magical training is more thoroughly diverse than most, there is one school you’ve specialized in. Choose your specialization below. You will gain its benefit, but have a penalty as well. You can cast neither spells nor use rituals from the prohibited school(s):
Abjuration: Protection from other magicks
(School lost: Evocation)
You can ignore one -1 penalty from an ongoing abjuration spell.
Divination: Discerning the true nature of reality
(School lost: Illusion)
When you undertake a quest to conduct a Divination ritual, take +1 ongoing for the duration of the quest.
Enchantment: Changing minds, for good—or for ill
(School lost: Illusion)
Take +1 to cast Enchantment control spells.
Evocation: Drawing forth ravaging power from pure arcane energy
(School lost: Summoning)
If you fail an Evocation spell and choose to sacrifice mana and the spell attempted, you may sacrifice half the required mana (rounded up) and access to a different spell of the same level instead.
General: Magicks that serve the mage’s more mundane needs
(School lost: Evocation
Your Grit is increased to 2d4 and your HP to 18
Illusion: Tricks of sight and sound to bewilder and befuddle (School lost: Enchantment)
Your Illusions are especially convincing. If someone could normally tell an illusion is fake just by touching it, they must instead make a saving throw (+INT) to determine that it is fake.
Summoning: Drawing creatures from the other planes to do your bidding. You can only summon one creature per encounter.
(School lost: Enchantment)
Creaturesyou summon have twice as much health as usual.
Universal (No Specialization): You reject specialization
(School lost: none; lose access to level 9 rituals)
Your maximum mana is increased by 1
Not On the Brute Squad
Armor interferes with your ability to channel magic and you are completely untrained in the ways of the murder hobo. Take -1 ongoing to cast a spell when wearing armor of any kind; this stacks in addition to the penalty from clumsy. All effective weapons are clumsy for you.
School of Thought
Choose two circles of magic. You may not cast spells from these school or that have these tags. You can not choose your prohibited school from Majored in Magic.
You have spent much of your early life devoted to researching spells for a way to extend a magical effect or craft a minor magical charm. You can endeavor to make such an item; this item must be drawn from the list of craftable items provided at the bottom of this page. Then, turn in your RP of the item’s creation to a DM. The DM will determine if your attempt succeeds.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:
Requires: Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Thief, Witch, Wizard
When you attempt to counter a spell, stake an amount of your mana (declare the amount out loud) and roll+INT. You can't stake more mana than the highest level of spell you can cast.
On a 10+, the spell is countered and has no effect.
On a 7-9, you lose your staked mana and the spell is countered unless your target sacrifices an equal amount of mana to overpower you.
On a miss, you lose the mana and have no effect.
Eldritch Squire
Requires: School of Thought
Sacrifice access to one school of magic; you can not gain it back with Prodigy. You can now wear light armor and shields and wield effective weapons without penalties.
"Enhanced" Magic
Requires: School of Thought
When you cast a Wizard spell, on a 12+ you have the option of choosing from the 7-9 list. You can't do this for a spell which you use with Quicken Spell. If you use the 7-9 list, you may additionally choose one of the following effects:
One die rolled for the spell’s effect is maximized; for example, if you would roll 3d4+2 for a spell, you may instead roll 2d4+6. (Spells which do not themselves require you to roll another die are unaffected by this benefit).
Take +1 forward on your next spell
Expanded Thought
Requires: School of Thought
Choose one of your prohibited schools from School of Thought (not from Majored in Magic). You may cast spells from this school, but the mana costs for its spells are doubled.
I'm a Doctor, Not a Dabbler
Requires: Majored in Magic
You gain further benefits from your Major in Magic:
Abjuration: Gain +1 armor against magic for each ongoing abjuration spell you have cast.
Divination: You can maintain one ongoing divination spell without penalty.
Enchantment: Your enemies take -1 to Saving Throws from enchantment spells you cast.
Evocation: When you choose to sacrifice a spell and its mana as a penalty for casting an Evocation spell, you may sacrifice an Evocation spell of a lower level instead.
Illusion: You can use standard moves while maintaining an illusion; however you can only maintain one illusion at a time.
General: So long as you have both hands and arms free, you can cast General school spells without a focus, wand, or staff.
Summoning: Creatures you summon will fight for one additional round before fleeing.
Universal: Increase your maximum mana by 1
His Staff! I TOLD You...!!
Requires: Wizard
You can use a magic-channeling staff as if it were an effective weapon, with no clumsy penalty.
Magic Mixer 2000
Requires: Majored in Magic
If you have rolled 12+ on Cast a Spell, you can take the penalty of a 7-9 to use Quickened Spell. This can't be done if you have used "Enhanced" Magic or "Engorged Magic" for that spell.
Quickened Spell
You can use Cast a Spell as an Interrupt. The spell cast must be from a different school than last spell cast, and of a lower level. If the spell cast with Quickened Spell involves any dice variables, you must take half of the dice result. This can't be used with with Enhanced or Engorged magic.
Spell S-W-O-R-D
Requires: Eldritch Squire
You can channel spells through an effective one-handed weapon rather than a focus, wand, or staff.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.
Requires: Eldritch Squire
You can wear medium armor without penalties and apply half of your dexterity bonus to your armor (rounding up). You lose this bonus while you are vulnerable or helpless, and it is reduced by debilities normally.
Engorged Magic
Requires and Replaces: "Enhanced" Magic
When you cast a Wizard spell, on a 10+ you have the option of choosing from the 7-9 list. You can't do this for a spell which you use with Quicken Spell. If you do, you may additionally choose one of the following effects. On a 12+ you get to choose one of these effects for free:
One die rolled for the spell’s effect is maximized (spells which do not themselves require you to roll another die are unaffected by this benefit)
Take +1 forward on your next spell
Requires: I'm a Doctor, Not a Dabbler
You have fully mastered your chosen school of magic. Gain the following move from the school you chose for Majored in Magic.
Abjuration: You gain the move Mantle
You can sacrifice an ongoing abjuration spell to negate any spell used against you, so long as the spell is lower than or equal to the spell sacrificed.
Divination: You gain the move Insight.
Your preturnatural abilities for divination transcend mortal knowledge. While conducting a divination ritual, you can have a flash of insight; roll Discern Realities in the sight of a DM. On a 10+ the DM will give you a portent of future events.
Enchantment: You gain the move False Choice
When an enemy would roll a saving throw against your Enchantment spell, make them roll twice; they must use the lower result.
Evocation: You gain the move Overcharge Evocation
Maximize one of the dice you use in an evocation spell. This can't be used with Enhanced Magic or Engorged Magic.
Illusion: You gain the move Sound Burst
You can sacrifice an Illusion; when it explodes, it deafens your choice of 1d4 enemies if they fail a Saving Throw (+INT)
General: You gain the move Mundane Magic
Use your STR, DEX, or CON in place of your INT to cast a spell.
Summoning: You gain the move Demonstration of Loyalty
When you sacrifice a summoned creature to mitigate a physical blow, it absorbs the entire damage, rather than just its HP.
Universal: You gain the move Recovery
After you have sacrificed a spell and its mana, you can regain and use the spell lost so long as you have enough mana to cast it (but you do not regain the mana lost).
Magic Prism Power
When you have time and safety with a magic item you have created, you can empower that item so that the next time you use the spell bound to the item, you can choose to destroy it as a consequence of a roll of 9 or lower instead of sacrificing the spell; you must still sacrifice its mana however. You can only have one such item at a time.
Mix Master
Requires: Magic Mixer 2000
You can use Quickened Spell on a 10+; if you get a 12+ you can use Quickened Spell without taking the result of a 7-9.

These spells cost 0 Mana when you experience a mishap.
[Abjuration] Resistance
You gain +1 on saving throws against control spells. This lasts until the next dawn.
[Divination] Read Magic
A magical rune or scroll you touch reveals its contents to you as if you created it.
[Enchantment] Light
An item you touch glows with arcane light, about as bright as a torch. It gives off no heat or sound and requires no fuel, but it is otherwise like a mundane torch. You have complete control of the color of the flame. The spell lasts until the item leaves your presence, or until the next dawn (whichever comes first).
[Evocation] Ray of Energy
You project arcane energy from your finger in a narrow beam composed of an element of your choice (fire, force, frost, lightning, or stone). You do 2d4 damage ignoring armor to the single target of that beam.
[General] Prestidigitation
You perform minor tricks of true magic. If you touch an item as part of the casting you can make cosmetic changes to it: clean it, soil it, cool it, warm it, flavor it, or change its color. If you cast the spell without touching an item you can instead create minor illusions no bigger than yourself. Prestidigitation illusions are crude and clearly illusions—they won’t fool anyone, but they might entertain them.
[Illusion] Flare | Control (Saving Throw +WIS)
You produce a dazzling light that affects one creature of your choice. They gain a debility of your choice if they fail their Saving Throw.
[Summoning] Unseen Servant
You conjure a simple invisible construct that can do nothing but carry items. It has a maximum carry weight of 3 and carries anything you hand to it. It cannot pick up items on its own and can only carry those you give to it. Items carried by an unseen servant appear to float in the air a few paces behind you. An unseen servant that takes damage or leaves your presence is immediately dispelled, dropping any items it carried. Only one Unseen Servant can be active at any time.
Third Level Spells:
These spells cost 3 mana when you experience a mishap.
[Abjuration] Circle of Banishment | Ongoing (Saving Throw +CHA)
You create a magic circle with a 10 meter radius, centered on you, which follows you. No one can teleport in or out of the circle, nor can summoned creatures enter. Any creatures summoned or evoked by a player-character’s spell are immediately returned to their home plane or original state of energy; more powerful creatures (NPCs) must make a Saving Throw or take -1 ongoing in your presence. Already-summoned creatures which belong to the prime material plane (e.g, animals) or spirits connected via the ethereal plane (e.g. Shaman spirits) are unaffected by entering the circle, but still cannot be summoned within it.
[Divination] Telepathy | Ongoing (Saving Throw +WIS)
You form a telepathic bond with a single person you touch, enabling you to converse with that person through your thoughts. You can only have one telepathic bond at a time. The range of the spell is limited to shouting distance (90m).
[Enchantment] Contortion | Control (Saving Throw +INT)
Your touch reorients a creature's natural limbs entirely in the manner you describe as if by their own will; they stay in the form you craft. If used in combat, the subject becomes stunned if they fail their saving throw. Out of combat, this spell ends if they wish on a further saving throw, or if you dispel it at will.
[Evocation] Cone of Energy
You project arcane energy from your finger in a tapering cone composed of an element of your choice (fire, force, frost, lightning, or stone). You do 2d4+1 damage ignoring armor to up to two targets standing side by side in front of your cone.
[General] Contingency | Ongoing
Choose a 3rd level or lower spell (not ritual) you have access to. Describe a trigger condition using a number of words equal to your level. The chosen spell is held until you choose to unleash it or the trigger condition is met, whichever happens first. You don’t have to roll for the held spell, it just takes effect. You can not make a spell contingent upon another if it is from the same school of magic. You may only have a single contingent spell held at a time; if you cast Contingency while you have a held spell, the new held spell replaces the old one.
[Illusion] Silent Image (Ongoing)
You create a silent, magical, 3 dimensional image no larger than 3 meters on any axis, based upon something or someone your are intimately familiar with all 3 dimensions of. You can cast it from up to 10 meters away, and can animate and move at will. It produces no smells or heat, and anyone who interacts with it will be able to tell it's fake on touch. The spell ends if anyone determines it's fake, if you move out of range of it, if you make any other standard move, or if you dispel it at will. If used in combat, 1d4 enemies of your choice lose their sense of reality; they take -1 ongoing.
[Summoning] Ancient Weapon | Ongoing
You summon a large, semi-sentient weapon from another plane. It has 6 HP, 1 armor, and +3 STR, +1 DEX, +2 CON, with 0 in all other stats. The creature is capable of committing acts of great skill: it attacks with you when you Hack&Slash, adding +4 damage to your roll, and you can use its STR when you Defy Danger or Bend Bars, Lift Gates. If you would take physical damage (e.g, Hack&Slash) you can instead sacrifice the creature; subtract its HP from the damage received. While it is alive, if you are incapacitated by control effects, the creature can act in your place—it is immune to control effects. Treat it as your character, but with access to only basic moves and 1d6 grit. It will only fight for up to two turns before returning to its home plane. The spell ends if the creature is sacrificed, returns to its plane, or if you dismiss it at will.
Seventh Level Rituals:
These rituals cost 7 mana to use; you can't recover that mana until you rest for 8 (RL) hours. A DM's approval is required to fulfill them.
[Abjuration] Circle of Protection | Ritual
You attempt to create a magical ward that protects an area up to 20 meters wide from other magic. When you hand in your RP to a DM, they will determine the capabilities of your ward.
[Divination] Locate Object | Ritual
You can spend much time in effort and study to magically locate a single object which you have previously seen and touched, or accessing the mind of someone who has seen and touched it. When you hand in your RP to a DM, they will determine the precision of your discovery.
[Enchantment] Hypnotism | Ritual
By spending time alone with a subject (willing or unwilling), and after a careful interview, you can hypnotize them to forget a specific memory you have learned of, or to remember a new (fake) one which you have devised. The modification must align with other memories they retain; inconsistencies may weaken or end the effect. The degree of your success will be determined by your DM.
[Evocation] Shatter | Ritual
You can attempt to summon the energetic forces of nature to descend upon a single object or structure no larger than 5 meters wide on any axis, utterly rending it apart and thoroughly destroying it.
[General] Teleport | Ritual
After spending time preparing the location from which you will begin, you can attempt to teleport from one place to another, provided you are intimately familiar with the target location, and hold a handful of material from the ground there. A DM will determine the precision of your teleportation.
[Illusion] Invisibility | Ritual
You can attempt to render a single object or person invisible. The effect persists until the target makes a combat move, spell, or aggressive act, or you dismiss the effect; an object may therefore remain invisible indefinitely, however you must sacrifice 3 mana for each day the subject remains invisible. While the effect is ongoing you can’t undertake another ritual.
[Summoning] Summon Specter | Ritual
You can attempt to summon the spectre of a lesser extraplanar creature. By bargaining, you can force it to answer three questions truthfully; your DM will determine the extent of its knowledge—and the demands of the bargain.
First Level Spells:
These spells cost 1 Mana when you experience a mishap.
[Abjuration] Shield | Ongoing
You gain +3 armor against magical damage. This does not count against your pre-cast limit.
[Divination] Identify
By spending some time studying an object, even the most obscure purpose becomes known to you; you can identify an item of any type, including a magic one, identifying its precise function and, if magic, whether or not it is cursed.
[Enchantment] Sleep | Control (Saving Throw +WIS)
1d4 enemies you can see of your choice fall asleep if they fail their Saving Throws. They become incapacitated indefinitely.
[Evocation] Orb of Energy
You project arcane energy from your palm in a heavy, head-sized ball, and composed of an element of your choice (fire, force, frost, lightning, or stone). You do 3d4+2 damage ignoring armor to the single target of that beam.
[General] Magic Weapon
You empower a single, effective weapon you hold, granting it +1 to use Hack&Slash; while this makes the weapon “magical” for the purposes of RP, it does not ignore armor.
[Illusion] Color Spray | (Saving Throw +WIS)
You produce a spray of chaotic arcane color at your choice of 1d4 targets. Apply a single debility of your choice to every target that fails its saving throw. When not in combat, you can use this harmlessly to create fleeting displays of light and color, like fireworks.
[Summoning] Craven Vermin | Ongoing
You summon a small, rodent-like creature from another plane. It has 4 HP and no armor, and has a +3 DEX but 0 in all other stats. The creature is capable of committing acts of great skill: while it is active you gain access to the Thief move Tricks of the Trade and can use its DEX when you Defy Danger. If you would take physical damage (e.g, Hack&Slash) you can instead sacrifice the creature; subtract its HP from the damage received. While it is alive, if you are incapacitated by control effects, the creature can act in your place—it is immune to control effects. Treat it as your character, but with access to only basic moves and 1d4 grit. It will only fight for one turn before abandoning you. The spell ends if the creature is sacrificed, reduced to 0 HP, abandons you, or if you dismiss it at will.
Fifth Level Spells:
These spells cost 5 Mana when you experience a mishap.
[Abjuration] Globe of Invulnerability | Ongoing
This spell can absorb the damage of one spell cast against you, negating it completely. This spell ends once it has absorbed damage, or if you dispel it at will.
[Divination] True Sight | Ongoing
You see all things as they truly are. This spell can see through transformations, illusions, or other magical and supernatural effects which disguise an object or creature’s true nature. This effect persists until you tell a lie or dismiss the spell.
[Enchantment] Oblivious Order | Ongoing Control (Saving Throw +INT)
Your choice of 1d4 targets are inhibited if they fail their saving throws.
[Evocation] Wall of Energy
You summon a brief burst of arcane energy from Orben itself, shooting up from the ground in a long, narrow blast composed of an element of your choice (fire, force, frost, lightning, or stone). You do 1d4 damage ignoring armor to up to 3 enemies of your choice.
[General] Telekenesis
By concentrating, you point at one nonmagical, unattended object weighing up to 25 lb. (or 5 weight), and can lift, suspend, and move it at will from a distance equal to 20 meters. You can propel the object as far as 20 meters in any direction, though the spell ends if the distance between you and the object ever exceeds the spell’s initial range. You can only use telekenesis with one object at a time, and can make no other move while it is active. You can, however, immediately use Volley with the object you lift, gaining damage bonuses from your channeling weapon, at +1 to hit.
[Illusion] Phantasmal Killer (Saving Throw +CHA)
You produce a terrifying illusion up to 10 meters away from you; anyone who interacts with it will be able to tell it's fake on touch. The spell ends if anyone determines it's fake, if you move out of range of it, if you make any other standard move, or if you dispel it at will. If used in combat, your choice of 1d4 enemies who see it and fail their saving throws take -1 to Last Gasp; they also become vulnerable and helpless
[Summoning] Noble Beast
You summon a humanoid, orc-sized creature from another plane. It has 8 HP, 2 armor, and has +3 STR, +2 CON, +1 WIS, with 0 in all other stats. The creature is capable of committing acts of great skill: while it is active you gain access to the Druid move Harmony. If you would take physical damage (e.g, Hack&Slash) you can instead sacrifice the creature; subtract its HP from the damage received. While it is alive, if you are incapacitated by control effects, the creature can act in your place—it is immune to control effects. Treat it as your character, but with access to only basic moves and 2d4 grit. It will only fight for up to three turns before returning to its home plane. The spell ends if the creature is sacrificed, returns to its plane, or if you dismiss it at will.
Nineth Level Spells:
These rituals cost 9 mana to use; you can't recover that mana until you rest for 8 (RL) hours. A DM's approval is required to fulfill them.
[Abjuration] Anti-Magic Field
All non-damage magic spells using WIS or INT to cast are nullified in a square 10x10x10 meter area you dictate; if a spell has a duration, it will be dispelled only while present within the field, and will resume once outside of it.
[Divination] Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
By embarking on a quest for the necessary components and knowledge, and after spending time preparing your ritual, you may observe distant events. You can focusing on a person or place that you have previously met, while holding an item belonging to them; you are able to monitor their actions, but not the actions of those around them, and you cannot see their location. Alternatively you can focus on a place you have visited, while holding an item taken from that place; you are able to monitor it from the position of that item before you took it, and can see silhouettes of figures and hear what is being said but cannot identify them. At your DM’s discretion, the focus of your Scrying spell must give you the last full round of posts (one from each participant) in the RP scene they are involved in. If they are not actively interacting with other players, you may observe them for the next 10 minutes before your concentration breaks.
[Enchantment] Geas
By embarking on a quest for the necessary components and knowledge, and after spending time alone with a subject (willing or unwilling), you can hypnotize them to carry out a single task as though it were their own mission. The task must be immediately achievable, and can not be one which would require death or self-harm (including stranding them or putting them into danger). The effect ends once they have completed the task, or if it is removed by some other means.
[Evocation] Tiny Hut
By embarking on a quest for the necessary components and knowledge, and after spending time performing the proper rituals, you can raise a small structure from the ground up to 10 meters wide on any axis, with a roof, walls, a chimney, one window and one door. The structure is immune to physical damage; it can only be destroyed with magic. While inside you are provided with a constant supply of food, water, and warmth from a pantry, basin, and fireplace respectively. You can use no spells or rituals while the hut is active. The hut lasts for as long as you remain inside; once you leave, it disappears.
[General] Permanency
By embarking on a quest for the necessary components and knowledge, and after spending time performing the proper rituals, you can render one positive ongoing effect permanent upon you or a subject you choose. The effect must be from a spell of level 1 or lower with a duration to be extended (rather than instantaneous). While it is active, you still take -1 ongoing. The effect ends if it is stripped from you by magic, but you can’t end it prematurely at will.
[Illusion] Hallucinatory Terrain
By embarking on a quest for the necessary components and knowledge, and after spending time performing the proper rituals, you can render a complete illusion over an area no larger than 20 meters on any axis. The illusion itself can be animated, but no element of it may leave the designated area. Your DM will determine the duration and sophistication of the effect.
[Summoning] Summon Creature
By embarking on a quest for the necessary components and knowledge, and after spending time performing the proper rituals, you can summon a lesser extraplanar creature. By bargaining, you can force it to fulfill three tasks; your DM will determine the extent of its competence—and the demands of the bargain.
Magic Items:
- The Belt of Ever-Warming
this belt keeps the wearer comfortable warm in any natural cold!
Requirements: The still-burning heart of a Fire Elemental and an Opal.
Time to Craft: Two Days
Coiling Ropes
These ropes, when tied around someone slowly constrict around them if they make any sudden movements. After five such 'tightenings' the ropes constrict the victim to death.
Requirements: Rope, the blood of a virgin and the essence of a Shadow from the Elemental Plane of Shadows.
Time Required to Craft: Four Days
Door Guardian
This door guardian can take many shapes and forms, from a nearby statue, to a piece of the door such as the handle or a doorstop. This item can magically lock the door and open it depending on its masters wishes; it can deny entrance to anyone its master has forbid- unless they break the door down, then it can't.
Requirements: Gargoyle Dust, the wood of an ancient tree and the blood of an Elf.
Time to Craft: Three Days
Gnomish Reading Monocle
A enchanted monocle that can only be forged by Gnomish hands, allows the wearer to read all but the most ancient of languages.
Requirements: A normal monocle, an emerald and the brain tissue of an intelligenct, sapient race. Can only be made by a Gnome.
Time to Craft: Four days
Gem of Minor Memory Capture
You may use this gem to capture the memory of a single day from either yourself, a willing humanoid target or an unconscious target by pressing it to their foreheads. If the gem breaks, the memory is restored to their owner.
Requirements: A precious Gem and the severed finger of a Gnome.
Time Required to Craft: Two days
Ring and Collar of binding
Once the collar is placed upon the neck of a sentient creature; the wearer of the ring can control them as if they where constantly under the effect of Dominate. The collared victim gets one saving throw(char) per day to resist the collar.
Requirements: Black Diamond, the blood of four tortured sentient creatures. Steel forged by a Druegar and the heart of a devil.
Time Required to Craft: One Week.
Ring of Joy
This ring, once worn cannot be removed by anything less then the removal of the finger its placed upon. It causes its wearer to feel no emotion but happiness.
Requirements: Red Ruby, the tears of a follower of the Goddess of peace; ten gold coins and the spit of a Hobbit.
Time Required to Craft: Three days
Ring of Lies
This ring makes you immune to any magical attempts to force you to tell the truth.
Requirements: You must murder two of your own family members and boil their mixed blood together with a ring made of gold in the center.
Time to Craft: Two Days
The Self-Writing Quill
This enchanted Quill will write upon any suitable surface its set to and write whatever it is its owner says so long as they dictate from ten meters away or fewer.
Requirements: Root of an ancient tree and a semi-precious gem.
Time to Craft: One Day
Sword of Udder Destruction
This sword cuts through all things like butter. Literally. Against normal targets, the sword is very weak, but it cuts through dairy products with the efficiency of a fine cheesewire. +5 to all attacks against dairy products and dairy-related creatures.
Requirements: A stick of butter, a sword and a yellow opal; mix the gem and butter into a brew and pour it over the blade.
Time to Craft: One Day
Tabard of Non-Tearing
This tabard, reinforced by faith and dedications to the wearer's deity- it will never tear and nor shall it be damaged until its wearer should die or fall unconscious. Provides no additional armor.
Requirements: A sacrifice most pleasing to the characters deity; a precious gem and five gold coins.
Time Required to Craft: Two days