Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Commoner | Druid | Fighter | Paladin | Ranger | Shaman | Thief | Witch | Wizard
"I find your lack of faith ... Disturbing."

Religious Zealots, Crusaders, Evil Cultists, Warrior Priests, Drow Priestesses - The Cleric is not just the mouth of their deity; they are the martial arm of his god as well.

An avatar fitting your race.
Read the lore appropriate to your race.
Choose a God and be familiar with Mechanics of Religion (Choosing a Religion under Advanced Play Guides)—or make up your own, lesser deity using the guidelines below under Deity.
Be familiar with Religion in Mhirdrun page (Lore), and read the lore of your chosen deity (if you wish to choose an existing one).

Grit is 2d4.
HP is 18.
Your carry weight is 8+STRx2
Add CONx2+to your HP
Your damage on Hack&Slash and Volley is 2d8 (before bonuses)
Key Stats
STR may be used for Hack&Slash
DEX may be used for Hack&Slash
CON will be important for your HP and Saving Throws
INT isn't used except for Saving Throws
WIS will be important for Cast a Spell
CHA isn't used except for Saving Throws

You serve and worship some deity or power which grants you spells. In order to gain spells from a deity you must:
Fulfill its requirements
Abide by its vows
Refrain from casting its forbidden spells
When you level up you may also pick a domain offered by your deity (see the bottom of the deity's page). You can gain one domain from level 2-5 and a second from level 6-10; this is gained as a level-up move, and so replaces the class and advanced moves below.
If you fail the requirements of your deity, break your vows, or cast a forbidden spell, you lose the benefit of Vows, and lose all spells and moves gained from your deity, until you have atoned: see the Choosing a Religion page under Advanced Play Guides for more.
Cast a Spell
When you unleash a spell granted to you by your deity, roll+Wis. You cannot cast a spell unless you have mana equal to the spell's level.
On a 10+ the the spell is successfully cast and you may cast the spell again later.
On a 7–9, the spell is cast, but Choose One Penalty.
On a miss, your spell fails. Take two penalties.
The spell and mana equal to the spell's level are lost and cannot be cast until you rest!
You are locked in a spell-casting trance, the next opponent to attack you takes +1 forward.
Take -1 Ongoing to Cast a Spell until you rest.
Note: Every spell requires an audio & a somatic (gesture) component to be cast; you can't cast a spell if you are bound and/or gagged. Maintaining spells with ongoing effects will always cause a penalty to your roll to cast a spell. See Combat Basics under the Basic Play tab for more rules on using spells.
Divine Intervention
If you have rolled 10+ on Hack&Slash, Brawl, or Cast a Spell, you can cast either Cure Wounds or Inflict Wounds (using Cast a Spell normally). You can't use this to cast Cure or Inflict wounds twice in one round. You must have at least a focus (holy symbol) raised in one hand to perform this interrupt.
I Follow My Faith
In your training to join your faith, you were prohibited from one discipline: according to the requirements of your god, reject one or more disciplines below. You can cast no spells from a prohibited discipline.
Profane: The Profane discipline exploits vulnerabilities and creates openings among your enemies.
General: The General discipline is prohibited by few, and includes spells and rituals most clerics concern themselves with.
Holy: The Holy discipline provides aid and comfort to your allies.
Righteousness: The Righteousness discipline concerns itself with what should be, and enforces it.
Wrath: The Wrath discipline invokes divine rage upon those mortals foolish enough to question you.
Turn Undead
When you expose your holy symbol and call on your deity for protection, roll+Wis.
On a 7+, so long as your holy symbol is displayed, no mindless undead may attack you until your next turn (any bonuses granted from Animate Dead or similar spells do not apply to attacks made against you)
On a 10+, you cause mindless undead to flee (any bonus granted from Animate Dead or similar spells disperse for the remainder of the fight).

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:
Requires: Cleric
When you use Cure Wounds and choose to sacrifice on a 9 or lower, you can instead sacrifice another spell of the same level and 2 mana (rather than 3). You cannot also gain the Malevolent move.
Committed to Healing
Requires: Benevolent
When you use Cure Wounds, heal +1d4+3 damage on the living (or deal 1d4+3 damage to the dead) and remove a debility or other corruption.
Committed to Pain
Requires: Malevolent
When you use Inflict Wounds, deal 1d4+3 instead of 1d6 damage to the living (or heal +1d4+3 to the dead and remove a debility or other corruption from their already rotting corpse).
Hallowing Adventure
Requires: Holy Discipline
When you undertake a ritual from the Holy discipline, take +1 ongoing to conduct it.
Requires: Divine Intervention
When you Hack&Slash or Brawl against someone and get a 10+, take +1 forward to Divine Intervention.
I've Had Training
Requires: Cleric
Ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear
Requires: Cleric
When you use Inflict Wounds and choose to sacrifice on a 9 or lower, you can instead sacrifice another spell of the same level and 2 mana (rather than 3). You cannot also gain the Benevolent move.
Multiclass Dabbler
Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move. This cannot be a starting move or Multiclass move.
Profanity Pro
Requires: Profane Discipline
When you undertake a ritual from the Profane discipline, take +1 ongoing to conduct it.
The Scales of Life and Death
When someone takes their last breath in your presence, you may provide them +1 to the roll - even if you are dead.
When you cast a spell you ignore the first -1 penalty from ongoing spells.
When you gain a level from 6–10, choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.
Empower Healing
When you cast a healing spell, on a 12+ you have the option of choosing from the 7–9 list. If you do, you may choose one of these effects as well:
The spell’s effect is maximized.
Expert Healer
Requires: Committed to Healing
When you use Cure Wounds outside of combat, gain +4d4 healing.
Patient, Then Penitent
Requires: Invigorated
When you get a 10+ on Hack&Slash and choose only one option (rather than 2), your next Divine Intervention can't fail; a 6 or lower counts as a 7-9 for you.
When an enemy falls in battle, shout a prayer to dedicate your victory to your deity and take +1 forward.
Replaces: Serenity
You ignore the -1 penalty from two spells you maintain.

Cleric Spells:
Level 0 Spells: Rotes
General | Mending | Rote
This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as broken chain link, two halves of a broken key, a torn clack, or a leaking wineskin. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, you mend it, leaving no trace of the former damage. This spell can physically repair a magic item or construct, but the spell can't restore magic to such an object.
Holy | Detect Wounds | Rote
By placing your hands on a person, you can learn the nature of their state of health, including physical injuries, poisons, curses, diseases, hexes, and any other mundane of supernatural afflictions or abnormalities. When acting on this information, take +1 forward.
Profane | Contaminate | Rote
Food or drink you hold in your hands becomes spoiled. The next person who consumes it must make a saving throw (+CON) or take a debility of your choice.
Righteousness | Light | Rote
An item you touch glows with divine light, about as bright as a torch. It gives off no heat or sound and requires no fuel but is otherwise like a mundane torch. You have complete control of the color of the flame. The spell lasts as long as it is in your presence.
Wrath | Rending | Rote
This spell sunders an object you touch, such as a small altar, a corrupted staff, or the symbol of an enemy god. As long as item is no larger than 1ft², you destroy it, leaving no trace of the item behind. This spell can physically destroy a magic item or construct, but you must make a saving throw (+CHA) to destroy the item. If you fail you can't attempt to destroy it again unless it is made non-magical. Whether you succeed or not, magic items release 5d4 damage worth of energy (ignoring armor) when you attempt to destroy them; you take this damage upon destroying the magic item.
Third Level Spells:
General | Cure Wounds
Heal an ally you touch of 1d6 damage, or deal 6 damage (ignoring armor) to an undead. If you serve a "dark," god, RP out the healing as painful and nerve-searing.
General | Inflict Wounds
Deal 1d6 damage (ignoring armor) to a living enemy, or heal 1d6 damage on an undead. When used to inflict damage, wounds spontaneously emerge on the target's body, as if they had been attacked by an invisible hand.
Holy | Lesser Restoration
You remove a control effect, curse, or other negative magical effect from a spell or move, supernatural or magical, from a single subject; this can't be used against items.
Profane | Darkness | Ongoing Control (Saving Throw +INT or +CON)
Choose a target you can see: it’s surrounded with supernatural darkness and shadow; the target becomes slowed for two rounds. Darkness counters Daylight.
Righteousness | Daylight | Ongoing (Saving Throw +INT or +CON)
Your focus glows with light as bright as full daylight in a 20 meter radius. Illusions of level 3 or lower are banished, and you take +1 ongoing to use Turn Undead while the light is active. Daylight dispels Darkness.
Wrath | Divine Strength | Ongoing
A weapon in your hands becomes Forceful. This can be applied to only one weapon at a time, and only if you use it; giving the affected weapon to someone else dismisses the spell. Otherwise you can dispel it at will.
Seventh Level Rituals:
General | Revelation | Level 7 Ritual
Your deity answers your prayers with a moment of perfect understanding. Ask a DM to shed light on the current situation.
Holy | Greater Restoration | Level 7 Ritual
You call upon your divine favor to purge a target's body of any impurities. Diseases, curses, hexes, and all other similar maladies of a physical or spiritual nature are cured. This spell requires preparation and time to cast and cannot be used in combat.
Profane | Poison | Level 7 Ritual
You inflict a supernatural poison upon a victim. This can be a poison of the mind or body. The duration and effects of the poison, as well as any negative effects on yourself, will conclude at the discretion of the DM.
Righteousness | Divination | Level 7 Ritual
Your deity will grant you the ability to look in on distant events. By focusing on a person that you have previously met, you are able to monitor their actions, the actions of those around them, but you cannot see their location. The focus of your Scrying spell must give you the last entire round of posts in the RP scene they are involved in. If they are not actively interacting with other players, you may observe them for the next 10 minutes before your concentration breaks.
Wrath | Divine Power | Level 7 Ritual
When an extreme affront to your church or god has taken place, for the space of one encounter, you channel the very wrath of your deity itself. The extent and duration of your abilities will be determined by your DM, as will any lingering penalties from allowing some sliver of a god's power to inhabit your body.
First Level Spells:
General | Speak With Dead | Ritual
A spirit of a recently deceased corpse converses with you briefly.
Holy | Bless | Ongoing
Your deity smiles upon a combatant of your choice. They take +1 ongoing so long as the battle continues and they stand and fight.
Profane | Bane | Ongoing
Your deity frowns upon a combatant of your choice. They take -1 ongoing so long as the battle continues and they stand and fight.
Righteousness | Consecrate | (Saving Throw +CON)
Designate a single standing building or room as a holy site. You will be alerted if servants of the enemies of your deity enter the site and they must make a Saving Throw or be incapacitated; creatures cannot be teleported or summoned into the site, and summoned creatures can’t enter the site without your permission. If the building or room is destroyed this effect ends. You can consecrate only one site at a time.
Wrath | Magic Weapon | Ongoing
A single weapon you hold grants you +1 to Hack & Slash (to hit, not damage) against a target who is not vulnerable until you dismiss this spell. This can be applied to only one weapon at a time, and only if you use it; giving the affected weapon to someone else dismisses the spell. Otherwise you can dispel it at will.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Fifth Level Spells:
General | True Seeing | Ongoing
You see all things as they truly are. This effect persists until you dismiss the spell. This spell can see through illusions or other magical falsehoods (such as Hidden Aura) as long as they are of an equal or lower spell level than True Seeing.
Holy | Spirit of Healing | Ongoing
You invoke a small spirit friendly to your deity to assist you. It has a +1 modifier for all stats and 2 HP. The spirit emits a glowing, holy aura; an ally you select is warmed by the aura, and heals 1 damage on their turn, every turn, while the spirit is active (or until they Last Gasp). You can redirect it to a new subject if the first Last Gasps or runs away. The spirit also gets your choice of 1d4 of these traits:
• It’s talented. Give one stat a +2 modifier.
• It’s durable. It has +1 HP for each level you have.
• It is fully sentient and can complete complex tasks.
• It is invisible and can't be attacked unless seen.
The spirit lasts until it is destroyed by taking damage in excess of its HP, or until you end the spell. If you take damage, you may sacrifice the spirit, subtracting its remaining HP from the damage done.
This spirit is immune against any form of control. If you are incapacitated or stunned, it can fight in your place, and becomes visible if it was not already; it has Basic Moves at its disposal, rolling with its own stats and causing 2d4 damage upon a successful attack.
Profane | Animate Dead | Ongoing
You force a lost spirit to possess an inanimate object (or recently-dead body) and serve you as a zombie. It has a +1 modifier for all stats and 2 HP. The zombie emits a deathly miasma. You can select a target to be affected by it; they must make a saving throw (+CON) or take 1 damage on their turn, every turn, while the zombie is active (or until they Last Gasp). You can redirect it to a new subject if the first dies or runs away. The zombie also gets your choice of 1d4 of these traits:
• It’s talented. Give one stat a +2 modifier.
• It’s durable. It has +1 HP for each level you have.
• It has a functioning brain which can complete complex tasks.
• It does not appear obviously dead, at least for a day or two.
The zombie lasts until it is destroyed by taking damage in excess of its HP, or until you end the spell. If you take damage, you may sacrifice the zombie, subtracting its remaining HP from the damage done
This zombie is immune against any form of control that is not Turn Undead. If you are incapacitated or stunned, it can fight in your place; it has Basic Moves at its disposal, rolling with its own stats and causing 2d4 damage upon a successful attack.
Righteousness | Hold Person | Control (Saving Throw +CHA)
Choose a person you can see. They become stunned.
Wrath | Divine Rage | Ongoing
Power and rage fill you. You become immune to debilities and do +4 damage. You are considered vulnerable to all enemies while this is ongoing. This spell ends if you make an enemy Last Gasp, use any move other than Hack&Slash, or if you dispel it at will. This spell cannot be precast.
Ninth Level Rituals:
General | Break Enchantment | Level 9 Ritual
You can attempt to remove an enchantment or curse from a person or item without inflicting harm upon yourself or others. There may be lingering effects at the discretion of the DM.
Holy | Resurrection | Level 9 Ritual
You resurrect a corpse whose soul has not yet fully departed this world. Resurrection is always possible, under the following conditions:
The body's essential organs have remained largely intact and whole (or have been restored by collecting necessary parts); resurrection must bring people fully to life, not as zombies.
The god worshiped or served by the deceased is more or less on good terms with the god granting your own spells.
The deceased has been dead for under 48 hours.
The body will return to life in as near a state as it was killed in, e.g., if its head was removed, it will bear a scar around the neck, if its hand was cut off before death, it will not be resurrected with the hand attached.
A person can only be resurrected once. If they die again, they are dead for good.
Profane | Plague | Level 9 Ritual Ongoing (Saving Throw +CON)
You can enter a meditative trance to affect an area you can see. The more participants you use in your ritual, the larger the area. Upon completing the ritual, the area will be filled with a plague of your choosing: disease, vermin, insects, poisonous water or crops, etc. So long as you and your participants maintain the meditative trance you can maintain the plague over that chosen area. There may be lingering effects at the discretion of the DM.
Righteousness | Command | Level 9 Ritual
For a brief time, you can bind someone to your will, and can give one order, or order them over a short period of time, at the discretion of the DM. You cannot order someone to do something your god would not permit.
Wrath | Purge | Level 9 Ritual Ongoing (Saving Throw +CHA)
You can enter a meditative trance to remove magical corruption from an area you can see. The more participants you use in your ritual, the larger the area affected. Upon completing the ritual, the area will be purged with magical, holy flames, removing all infectious diseases and animals, as well as the corruption of demons, devils, and the magic of deities which are enemies of your own. The purge lasts 10 minutes; in those 10 minutes allies of your faith are filled with reckless euphoria and take +1 forward; enemies of your faith who fail a saving throw are incapacitated.