Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Commoner | Druid | Fighter | Paladin | Ranger | Shaman | Thief | Witch | Wizard
"Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once."

Traveling Scoundrels, Swashbucklers, Roguish Drifters, Con-Artists, Story-Tellers, Minstrels and other vagabonds who avoid good hard work and prefer to make a living by their wit

An Avatar fitting your race.
Read the lore for your character's race.
Read the lore for the Kingdom of Nuumalon in Linothor (Under World Lore), and the lore of any other location your character has traveled

Grit is 1d6.
HP is 16.
Your carry weight is 6+ STRx2.
Add CONx2 to your HP.
Your damage on Hack&Slash and Volley is 1d6 (before bonuses).
Key Stats
STR may be used for Hack&Slash
DEX may be used for Hack&Slash if using a precise weapon
CON will be important for your HP and saving throws
INT isn't used except for Saving Throws
WIS isn't used except for Saving Throws
CHA will be important for Arcane Art and Spells

Arcane Art
When you weave a musical performance into a basic spell, choose an ally and one effect. They can only be affected by one Arcane Art at a time:
+1 to their next Brawl or Hack&Slash
+1 to their next Cast a Spell
+1 to their next damage roll
+1 to their next Run Away!
+1 to their next Saving Throw
+1 to their next Defy Danger
Then roll+Cha.
On a 10+, the ally gets the selected effect.
On a 7-9, your spell still works, but (choose 1):
you are left vulnerable
your magic reverberates to effect an opponent closest to your target as well.
you sacrifice one of the effects of Arcane Art to satisfy the muses you’ve scared off.
you take -1 to use Arcane Art again.
On a miss, choose 2.
This is a supernatural effect.
Bardic Lore
Your varied expertise is drawn from an assortment of literary studies; you can invoke one of the following during a time of need to give yourself a bonus to a single roll:
Tales of Training (+1 to a Hack&Slash roll)
Tales of Transfixing (+1 to an Enchantment spell roll)
Tales of Transformation (+1 to a Transmutation spell roll)
Tales of Tribulation (+1 to a Defy Danger or Saving Throw roll)
Tales of Trickery (+1 to an Illusion Spell roll)
Cast a Spell (CHA)
When you choose a spell to cast, roll+CHA. You cannot cast a spell unless you have mana equal to the spell's level.
On a 10+ the the spell is successfully cast and you may cast the spell again later.
On a 7–9, the spell is cast, but Choose One Penalty.
On a miss, your spell fails. Take two penalties.
The spell and mana equal to the spell's level are lost and cannot be cast until you rest!
You are locked in a spell-casting trance and become vulnerable.
Take -1 Ongoing to Cast a Spell until you rest.
Note: Every spell requires an audio & a somatic (gesture) component to be cast; you can't cast a spell if you are bound and/or gagged. Maintaining spells with ongoing effects will always cause a penalty to your roll to cast a spell. See Combat Basics under the Basic Play tab for more rules on using spells.
The Distraction Factor
You rely on quick and graceful movements to cast your spells. Medium and heavy armor incur a -1 ongoing penalty to cast a spell for you; this stacks with the -1 from heavy armor being clumsy. However, while wearing light or no armor, apply half of your dexterity bonus to your armor (rounding up). You lose this bonus while you are vulnerable or helpless, and it is reduced by debilities normally.
The Entertainer
Every now and then you'll hear rumors or tips regarding the noble trade of distracting people from their problems for a few hours. If you get desperate enough for coin, and are up for a bit of traveling, you can find some seedy tavern or eccentric manor far off the beaten path full of discontents. You may win their hearts—but you know the game and they'll forget your name, and you won't be here for another year if you don't stay on the charts.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:
Blow Your Savings on Me
Requires: Enchantment Spells
Your opponents take -1 to saving throws against your Enchantment spells.
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks
Requires: Bard
Gain Majored in Magic from the Wizard Starter Moves, but only for either the Illusion or Enchantment school. You must still reject the prohibited school.
Eldritch Tones
Requires: Arcane Art
Your arcane art is strong, allowing you to choose two effects instead of one.
Hold My Note
Requires: Eldritch Tones
You can maintain your Arcane Art if you concentrate. By sacrificing a Standard Move every round following a successful Arcane Art, you can maintain the bonuses you’ve provided as if they were an Ongoing spell (taking -1 to cast a spell). This ends if you make any other standard moves, are afflicted by a Control move or spell, or use Last Gasp.
I'm Not a Doctor But...
Requires: Bard
Your snake oil is potent. When you successfully cast the Placebo spell, you can also remove a debility.
Walking Hall of Mirrors
Requires: Conjurer of Cheap Tricks-Illusion School
When you have an illusion up, and your enemy wishes to attack you, they must roll a Saving Throw (+WIS). If they fail, they attack the illusion. It can't be damaged or afflicted by moves. They may make their Saving Throw to disbelieve the illusion upon "hitting" it; if they succeed the illusion ends. If they fail the illusion remains.
What Form!
Requires: Bard
You can gain either Art of the Blade or Art of the Pike from Martial Hurtist (Fighter Starting move), but gain no damage bonus from Art of the Pike. You can use a one-handed precise weapon to channel spells, instead of a focus, wand, or staff.
Multiclass Dabbler
Pick one move from another class, as long as it isn't a Starting Move or another Multiclass Move. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.
Multiclass Initiate
Pick one move from another class, as long as it isn't a Starting Move or another Multiclass Move. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.
When you gain a level from 6–10, choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.
Duelist’s Parry
Requires: Bard
What you lack in armor you make up for with a dramatic block. Take +1 armor for each weapon you wield with the [Precise] tag.
Eldritch Chord
Requires and Replaces: Eldritch Tones
When you use arcane art, choose three effects.
It Wasn't Me!
Requires: Shadowplay
When you roll a 10+ to cast an illusion spell, you can disguise the fact that you cast it, or even pin it on someone else! Roll +CHA
On a 10+ witnesses to the spell can make a saving throw (+INT). If they fail they believe the source of the illusion was whomever you wish; if they succeed you get the result of a 7-9.
On a 7-9 you manage to escape suspicion, but you must immediately leave the scene in your next post or be discovered.
On a miss you’re caught red-handed. Oops.
Pokey Little Piercy
Requires: Pike Stance
Precise weapons you use in Pike Stance Ignore armor equal to their biting or bastard bonuses (maximum 2 armor ignored).
Triple Threat
Requires: Blade Stance
You can make a second interrupt move each round, but only while wielding a slashing weapon in Blade Stance, and only to use Quick Cut.
Turn Your Head and Cough
Requires: I'm Not a Doctor But...
Your bedside manner is especially effective. When you cast the Placebo spell outside of combat, heal an additional +1d6 damage.
Multiclass Master
Pick one move from another class, as long as it isn't a Starting Move or another Multiclass Move. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.

These spells cost 0 Mana when you experience a mishap.
[Illusion] Dancing Lights
You create up to 4 lights each as bright as a candle, and each of any color you desire. They must stay within 3 meters of one another and you, but can otherwise move or be moved at will. While this spell is active you take -5 on all stealth-related Defy Danger rolls. This spell ends if you make any other standard move, if the lights move out of range, or if you dispel it at will.
[Illusion] | Ghost Sound | (Saving Throw +WIS)
You create a volume of sound that rises, recedes, approaches, or remains at a fixed space up to 20 meters away from you, and which you can see. It is loud enough to be heard up to 20 meters away from the source of the sound. You choose what type of sound this is when casting it and cannot thereafter change the sound's basic character. Those who hear it must make a saving throw or believe it is real unless they can see the space where the sound came from (they will automatically know it is fake if nothing is there). It can last for up to as many posts as your level.
[Transmutation] Endure Elements
You or a subject you choose are immune to non-magical extremes of cold and heat. This ends by the next dawn.
Third Level Spells:
These spells cost 3 Mana when you experience a mishap.
[Enchantment] Charm Monster | Control (Saving Throw +WIS)
You compel a non-sentient or semi-sentient creature to regard you as its friend and serve you. You can compel only one creature at a time in this way. You can dispel this at will.
[Enchantment] Placebo | (Saving Throw +INT)
With some convincing hand-waving and a little magic, you can compel someone to believe that you have cast Cure Wounds on them; if they fail their saving throw they heal 1d6 damage. If you ever become clergy of a god, you get a little help from your deity and this no longer requires a saving throw.
[Illusion] Dazing Display | (Saving Throw +CON)
You produce an ear-shattering note and a blinding light against a subject, with your choice of 1d4 of the following:
The subject affected becomes vulnerable if they are not already slowed or deafened.
The subject affected becomes deafened for 1d4 rounds.
The subject affected becomes slowed for 1d4 rounds.
Two subjects are affected instead of one.
[Transmutation] Haste | Ongoing
You are filled with magical vigor. While hasted, you can use two Standard Moves in a round; the second Standard Move is used as if it were an interrupt. It counts as an Interrupt move for all purposes of utility (such as being affected by slow or maintaining an illusion). You can dispel this at will. This does not count against your precast bonus.
First Level Spells:
These spells cost 1 Mana when you experience a mishap.
[Enchantment] Tongues | Ongoing
You can understand the language of any creature you can hear the voice of, and they will understand your speech in their own language so long as they can hear you. Additionally, if you have heard someone speak within the past day, you can impersonate their voice perfectly when speaking. You can dispel this at will.
[Illusion] Silent Image | Ongoing
You create a silent, magical, 3 dimensional image no larger than 2 meters on any axis, based upon something or someone you are intimately familiar with all 3 dimensions of. You can cast it from up to 10 meters away, and can animate and move at will. It produces no smells or heat, and anyone who interacts with it will be able to tell it's fake on touch. The spell ends if anyone determines it's fake, if you move out of range of it, if you make any other standard move, or if you dispel it at will.
[Transmutation] Alacrity | Ongoing
You can increase a single stat of your choice by +1. You can dismiss this at will.
Fifth Level Spells:
These spells cost 5 Mana when you experience a mishap.
[Enchantment] Confusion | Ongoing Control (Saving Throw +INT)
A single target of your choice must roll 1d5 whenever they do damage, after first rolling their damage. If they roll a 1 they do their damage to a different target of your choice (they can not attack at themselves). If they are deafened or blinded they roll 1d4 instead. If they are deafened and slowed they roll 1d3. You can dispel this at will.
[Illusion] Major Image | (Saving Throw +INT)
You create a magical, 3 dimensional image no larger than 3 meters on any axis, up to 15 meters away. It can be the source of smells or heat as you determine when casting it; this image can also produce sounds as if the source of a Ghost Sound (as the Ghost Sound spell). Anyone who interacts with it will be able to tell it's fake on touch. The spell ends if anyone determines it's fake, if you move out of range of it, if you make any other standard move, or if you dispel it at will.
[Transmutation] Blink | Ongoing
So long as you are not bound, you randomly vanish and reappear over very short distances which you can't control. Any opponent who tries to attack you with physical damage must roll 1d5. On a 1 they find you're suddenly not where they thought you were and deliver only a glancing blow for half of their damage (rounded up).
Seventh Level Spells:
These spells cost 7 Mana when you experience a mishap.
[Enchantment] Enthrall (Saving Throw +CON)
A target of this spell becomes momentarily captivated by you; they become stunned.
[Illusion] Fantastic Image
You create a magical, 3 dimensional image no larger than 4 meters on any axis, up to 20 meters away. It can be the source of smells or heat as you determine when casting it; this image can also produce sounds as if the source of a Ghost Sound (as the Ghost Sound spell). The illusion is solid and feels real to the touch; only a successfully cast Detect Magic will determine that it is an illusion. The spell ends if anyone determines it's fake, if you move out of range of it, if you make any other standard move, or if you dispel it at will.
[Transmutation] Reversion
If someone has been altered by a magical effect or spell in some way (but not a magic item or ritual), this reverts them to their “usual,” self, prior to that effect. This can remove one debility, disease, or curse, as well as blindness, deafness, stunning, and slowness. You can use this on yourself.