Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Commoner | Druid | Fighter | Paladin | Ranger | Shaman | Thief | Witch | Wizard
"If you define yourself by your power to take life, your desire to dominate, to possess, then you have nothing."
Knights, Warrior-Priests, Heroes, Zealots
An Avatar fitting your race.
Read the lore for your character's race.
Choose a God and be familiar with Mechanics of Religion (Choosing a Religion under Advanced Play Guides)—or make up your own, lesser deity using the guidelines under "Deity."
Be familiar with the Religion in Mhirdrun page (Lore), and the lore of your chosen deity.
Base Stats
Grit is 2d5.
HP is 20.
Your carry weight is 10+STRx2
Add CONx2 to your HP
Your damage is 1d10 on Hack&Slash and Volley
Key Stats
STR may be used for Hack&Slash
DEX may be used for Hack&Slash if using a precise weapon
CON will be important for your HP and saving throws
INT isn't used except for Saving Throws
WIS isn't used except for Saving Throws
CHA will be important for Spells and Saving Throws
You ignore the Clumsy tag on any armor you wear.
You serve and worship some deity or power which grants you your powers. In order to gain abilities from a deity you must:
Fulfill its requirements
Abide by its vows
Refrain from casting its forbidden spells (if you ever gain access to spells)
When you level up you may also pick a domain offered by your deity (see the bottom of the deity's page). You can gain one domain from level 2-5 and a second from level 6-10; this is gained as a level-up move, and so replaces the class and advanced moves below.
If you fail the requirements of your deity, break your vows, or cast a forbidden spell, you lose the benefit of Vows, and lose all spells and moves gained from your deity, until you have atoned: see the Choosing a Religion page under Advanced Play Guides for more.
Lay on Hands
When you touch someone else, skin to skin, and pray for their well-being , roll+CHA.
On a 10+ you heal 1d6 damage or remove one disease or debility.
On a 7–9, they are healed, but the damage, disease or debility is transferred to you.
On a miss, you lose access to this ability until you rest.
Magic and Miracles
You are only minimally trained in the use of spells, but your training has included the acquisition and use of Miracles.
Cast a Spell
When you unleash a spell granted to you by your deity, roll+CHA. You cannot cast a spell unless you have mana equal to the spell's level.
On a 10+ the the spell is successfully cast and you may cast the spell again later.
On a 7–9, the spell is cast, but Choose One Penalty.
On a miss, your spell fails. Take two penalties.
The spell and mana equal to the spell's level are lost and cannot be cast until you rest!
You are locked in a spell-casting trance, the next opponent to attack you takes +1 forward.
Take -1 Ongoing to Cast a Spell until you rest.
Note: Every spell requires an audio & a somatic (gesture) component to be cast; you can't cast a spell if you are bound and/or gagged. Maintaining spells with ongoing effects will always cause a penalty to your roll to cast a spell. See Combat Basics under the Basic Play tab for more rules on using spells.
Miracles are not cast as a spell, but invoked by direct prayer to your god for a significant effect, which can be temporary or permanent. Using a miracle incurs the entire mana cost equal to its level once it is invoked, which can't be restored until you rest.
My God Will Protect Me
Free Move
You are protected by divine power. So long as you honor the vows and requirements of your deity, once per encounter, when a spell of any sort (damage or not) would affect you, you can sacrifice mana equal to its level to negate the effects of that spell.
So long as you maintain your vows, you can treat any Saving Throw as a +CHA Saving Throw, even if it would normally apply to another stat. You are also immune to being incapacitated. Instead of being incapacitated, you suppress the effect and take -1 ongoing while you would be under that effect. You can end this suppression at will; if you do, any suppressed effects resume immediately.
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:
Abjurant Apprentice
Requires: Paladin
Using Magic and Miracles, you can cast spells from the Abjuration School on the Wizard spellcasting list at twice the mana cost.
Requires: Special Mount
When you lead the charge into combat while riding your mount, those you lead take +1 forward until your next turn! (Obviously only one person can lead the charge; you can't stack this bonus with bonuses from others using Charge!).
Degree in Defense
Requires: Abjurant Avenger
Gain the Majored in Magic move from the Wizard Starter Moves, for the Abjuration School.
Divine Defense
Requires: Paladin
You gain Wall Stance from the fighter's Martial Hurtist move.
Get Behind Me
Requires: Wall Stance
You can use Defend against any manner of assault, including magical damage and non-damaging effects; it still bypasses your armor, however.
Holy Protection
Requires: Paladin
Take +1 Armor as long as you maintain your Vows.
Liberating Touch
Requires: Lay on Hands
When you heal with Lay on Hands, you can remove one control effect.
Setup Strike
When you Hack&Slash against an enemy and roll a 10+, choose an ally. The enemy counts as vulnerable against that ally. This lasts only until your next turn.
Staunch Defender
Requires: Paladin
When you Defend, a miss counts as 7-9 instead.
I'm Not Locked in Here with You...
Requires: Zeal
Your Zeal applies to all control effects of any level, however, if the control effect would render you helpless, you still become helpless.
Turn, Turn, Turn
Requires: Paladin
By lifting your holy symbol and calling on your deity for protection, you can turn away the dead; roll+CHA.
On a 7+, so long as your holy symbol is displayed, no mindless undead may attack you until your next turn (any bonuses granted from Animate Dead or similar spells do not apply to attacks made against you)
On a 10+, you cause mindless undead to flee (any bonus granted from Animate Dead or similar spells disperse for the remainder of the fight).
Multiclass Dabbler
Pick one move from another class, as long as it isn't a Starting Move or another Multiclass Move. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.
Professor of Protection
Requires: Degree in Defense
Gain I'm a Doctor, Not a Dabbler from the Wizard Class Moves list, for the Abjuration School.
I've Got It!
Requires: Get Behind Me
You can apply your armor to magic damage when you defend.
Indomitable Personality
Requires: Paladin
You are immune to the CHA debility (disfigured). You can't give yourself the CHA debility for My God Will Protect Me.
My God Is My Rock And My Bulwark:
Requires and Replaces: Staunch Defender
When you Defend:
A 7-9 is treated as a 10+
A miss is treated as a 7-9.
You're Locked in Here with me!
Requires: I'm Not Locked in Here with You...
Your mind is a steel trap. When you succeed on a Saving Throw for a control effect someone has used against you, you may attempt to reverse it on them. If you do, they must make a Saving Throw using the same stat you did; if they fail, they suffer the effects intended for you. If they succeed, the control effect returns to you; you get no additional saving throw, and it overcomes your Zeal.
Know Thy Enemy
You have a pretty good idea of whom you should be fighting. If you fail a saving throw for an ability that would control whom you fight, make a second saving throw.
Paladin Spells and Miracles:
These spells cost 2 Mana when you experience a mishap.
Second Level Spells
Holy | Detect Wounds
By placing your hands on a person, you can learn the nature of their state of health, including physical injuries, poisons, curses, diseases, hexes, and any other mundane of supernatural afflictions or abnormalities. When acting on this information, take +1 forward.
Righteousness | Light
An item you touch glows with divine light, about as bright as a torch. It gives off no heat or sound and requires no fuel but is otherwise like a mundane torch. You have complete control of the color of the flame. The spell lasts as long as it is in your presence.
Wrath | Rending
This spell sunders an object you touch, such as a small altar, a corrupted staff, or the symbol of an enemy god. As long as item is no larger than 1ft², you destroy it, leaving no trace of the item behind. This spell can physically destroy a magic item or construct, but you must make a saving throw (+CHA) to destroy the item. If you fail you can't attempt to destroy it again unless it is made non-magical. Whether you succeed or not, magic items release 5d4 damage worth of energy (ignoring armor) when you attempt to destroy them; you take this damage upon destroying the magic item.
Second Level Miracle
This miracle costs 2 Mana to use.
Braced Bowels | Miracle
After an RL week of fasting and prayer you gain immunity to all diseases, magical or otherwise. You must lose 2 mana every day for the duration of this fast.
Sixth Level Spells:
These spells cost 6 Mana when you experience a mishap.
Holy | Lesser Restoration | Ongoing
You remove a control effect, curse, or other negative magical effect from a spell or move, supernatural or magical, from a single subject; this can't be used against items.
Righteousness | Daylight | Ongoing (Saving Throw +INT or +CON)
Your focus glows with light as bright as full daylight in a 20 meter radius. Illusions of level 3 or lower are banished, and you take +1 ongoing to use Turn Undead while the light is active. Daylight dispels Darkness.
Wrath | Cause Fear | Control (Saving Throw +WIS)
1d4 enemies you can see and of your choice run away and cower in a fetal position. They are incapaciated. Only sentient creatures are affected.
Sixth Level Miracle
This miracle costs 6 Mana to use.
Special Mount | Miracle
After spending a day in prayer and resting outdoors, on the following day you will be awoken by an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal animal, large enough to ride. It must be an otherwise non-magical animal local to the area. It has 10HP and 3 armor. It is indistinguishable from other animals of its kind, and can speak with other animals normally, while communicating thoughts and feelings to you telepathically. While mounted on your steed you can chase down enemies using Run Away!, enabling you to attack them with melee even if they rolled a 7-9 (unless they are also mounted). Additionally, while mounted, your enemies take -1 to Brawl and Hack&Slash against you (unless they are also mounted). These benefits ends if your mount is killed; if it is killed, you must take 1d6 damage from the fall, and you can’t summon a new mount for a week.
Fourth Level Spells:
These spells cost 4 Mana when you experience a mishap.
Holy | Bless | Ongoing
Your deity smiles upon a combatant of your choice. They take +1 ongoing so long as the battle continues and they stand and fight.
Righteousness | Consecrate | (Saving Throw +CON)
Designate a single standing building or room as a holy site. You will be alerted if servants of the enemies of your deity enter the site and they must make a Saving Throw or be incapacitated; creatures cannot be teleported or summoned into the site, and summoned creatures can’t enter the site without your permission. If the building or room is destroyed this effect ends. You can consecrate only one site at a time.
Wrath | Magic Weapon | Ongoing
A single weapon you hold grants you +1 to Hack & Slash (to hit, not damage) against a target who is not vulnerable until you dismiss this spell. This can be applied to only one weapon; casting this on a new weapon dismisses the first spell.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Fourth Level Miracle
This miracle costs 4 Mana to use.
Holy Weapon | Miracle
You can imbue a single weapon with a small facet of your god’s power; while wielding it gain +2 damage. When you wield it against servants of your god’s enemies, gain +4 damage instead. You can imbue only one weapon at a time with this power, and only you can wield it; if another attempts to wield it, it loses these powers.
Eighth Level Spells:
These spells cost 8 Mana when you experience a mishap.
Holy | Spirit of Healing | Ongoing
You invoke a small spirit friendly to your deity to assist you. It has a +1 modifier for all stats and 2 HP. The spirit emits a glowing, holy aura; an ally you select is warmed by the aura, and heals 1 damage on their turn, every turn, while the spirit is active (or until they Last Gasp). You can redirect it to a new subject if the first Last Gasps or runs away. The spirit also gets your choice of 1d4 of these traits:
• It’s talented. Give one stat a +2 modifier.
• It’s durable. It has +1 HP for each level you have.
• It is fully sentient and can complete complex tasks.
• It is invisible and can't be attacked unless seen.
The spirit lasts until it is destroyed by taking damage in excess of its HP, or until you end the spell. If you take damage, you may sacrifice the spirit, subtracting its remaining HP from the damage done.
This spirit is immune against any form of control. If you are afflicted by a control spell, it can fight in your place, and becomes visible if it was not already; it has Basic Moves at its disposal, rolling with its own stats and causing 1d8 damage upon a successful attack.
Righteousness | Hold Person | Control (Saving Throw +CHA)
Choose a person you can see. They become stunned.
Wrath | Contagion | Ongoing (Saving Throw +CON)
Choose a creature you can see. Until you end this spell, the target suffers from a disease of your choice.
Eighth Level Miracle
This miracle costs 8 Mana to use.
Shield of Faith | Miracle
The next spell used against you is absorbed and dissipates into shards of magic. Take 1d4 damage ignoring armor instead of the effects of the spell.